Av. del Marquesat, 3. Piso 2, D. 03700 Dénia (Alicante)

Pediatric odont

The dentontiatría dentontis is the specialty in dentistry in charge of exploring and treating children and babies to adolescence . It is responsible for education and dental prevention, to detect anomalies in the position of the teeth and thus be corrected with orthopedics and or orthodontics at an early age.

The treatment restorative consists in treating the trauma (blows-fractures) of temporal or definitive teeth, use of fissure sealants to avoid caries, and treat caries with cakes. Detect structure anomalies such as hypomineralization, fluorosis, etc., respiratory problems (oral respirator), harmful mouth habits such as digital suction.

Another important function of the pediatric dentont is guiding parents so that they can instill their children good oral hygiene habits. Visiting your pediatric dentist twice a year avoids the appearance of oral diseases which contributes to your children's health care.

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